Jennifer Stewart


Jennifer is a vibrant and outgoing individual who radiates joy and excitement in everything she does. She embraces her favorite quote, “You can be an energy giver, or an energy zapper. Choose to be an energy giver!” with enthusiasm and passion.

As a dedicated mother to a teenage daughter, Jennifer balances family life with a lively household that includes a dog named Orbit, a cat named Murphy, and two turtles, Sven and Olaf, who are likely to outlive all of them. Her childhood dream was to become a veterinarian, a passion that clearly shines through in her love for animals.

Jennifer enjoys immersing herself in the cultural vibrancy of downtown, frequently visiting the theatre and participating in church activities. Her family shares a deep love for sports, particularly the Astros and Texans, and they make it a tradition to attend the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo each year.

At N Title, Jennifer values the sense of community and believes that the strength of their team lies in their unwavering support for one another. To her, the camaraderie and mutual support at work truly make it feel like a family.